We are happy to share that our Web 3.0-based P2E Website, MEVerse GameZ, will be launched tomorrow!
Before it officially launched, we opened Docs so users could view and know the game lists and how to play.
At first, the user who has MEV will need to convert to ZP in order to play the games, and once the game is finished, the user can convert to MEV.
A total of 10 casual games will be available, each with different game styles and levels. So, please make sure you double-check the Docs.
MEVerse GameX is always open as a free version to try out. :) Feel free to utilize it before you play the MEVerse GameZ.
Stay tuned.
✅MEVerse GameZ launch date: March 22nd 2023 at 09:00 UTC
✅Docs: https://meversedex.gitbook.io/meverse-gamez/
✅MEVerse GameX: https://www.meversegamex.io/